TD Network

Association for Researcher of Skills and Vocational Training (ARSVOT) is an education association; has five (5) journals managed by a team of researchers from a few universities whereas the ultimate goal to contribute in conceptual and theoretical developments of education; and welcome any institution or individual to become a member of ARSVOT with a lot of benefits.

International Innovation ARSVOT Malaysia has become an international platform to highlight the marvelous ideas, innovation product and shows their creativity in providing the global issues solution.

We started the International Innovation ARSVOT Malaysia 2021 (IAM2021), International Innovation ARSVOT Malaysia 2022 (IAM2022) and International Innovation ARSVOT Malaysia (IAM2023) successfully organized where we received participation more than 800 groups which equivalent more than 3000 participants in this prestigious events. The Department of Skills Development, Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia, has continually supported us by sponsoring rewards for the winners to increase their motivation. Thus, we obtained full support for the International Innovation ARSVOT Malaysia from the Uniglobal Education Academy (Malaysia), Satbayev University (Kazakhstan), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (Indonesia), Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta (Indonesia), Consortium of Malaysian Universities (Malaysia), SEAMEO Regional Centre for Special Educational Needs (Malaysia), International STEM Association (Malaysia), MAS Giresources (Nigeria), Todox Network (Malaysia) and Universitas Negeri Semarang (Indonesia).

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